Cala Logo

Learning the fundamentals of design & composition


The Project

I created this logo for the imaginary mixed reality brand Cala. Above you can see it featured on the imaginary AR pen product The Marker. I created both images in Photoshop.


The Process

Thumbnail Sketches


When creating the branding for my imaginary high-tech company, I began with the name (see leftmost image). Cala comes from the Latin word “Calamus,” meaning pen, as I knew I wanted to work with an augmented reality pen as a product.

The idea for the Cala logo came from playing with the letter forms of C-A-L-A (see both images to the right). I chose the circular silhouette that also contained angular forms reminiscent of arrows, which felt bold and unique, with some complexity but a classic circular overall form.

The far right image also features the beginning of my competitive visual architecture analysis.


High Fidelity

After generating thumbnails with pencil on paper, I created high-fidelity versions of the logo sketches in Photoshop, experimenting with color inversions for the logo I decided to use as the product logo and different line weights for the logo I decided to use as the brand logo. I wanted to make sure both were bold enough to achieve the highly recognizable (including from a distance) and flexible (able to be put on different materials) nature required of a logo.


I included logo 2e in the above iterations because it is bold (without being too bulky) and clean.


Onto the Product

I superimposed the logo onto the image of the pen and used a gradient effect to make it appear engraved into the metal.
